
Rusty's Rules is a simplified version of Robert's Rules. It enables good meeting process while being simple enough to easily memorize. Meetings are an essential part of organizing, of self-management, and of collective action. With good process, meetings can be highly effective, but without good process, meetings can easily become a useless waste of time. So Rusty's Rules is a very important tool, not just for…
A short article from February 2018 celebrating the initial victory of an ongoing struggle to stop an airport from being built in a rural part of…
Post-war Japan saw a major strike wave. Due to shortages of nearly all necessities, some of the strikes took the form of 'production control'…
Texto que analisa a contra-revolução sob a forma de capital variável autogerindo empresas ocupadas. Afirma, contra ela, a perspectiva de negação…
anarchy 2 cover
Issue of Anarchy from April 1961 with articles about workers' control, the building industry, syndicalism and more.